Arctic Lapland Berries

Wild & Handpicked

Discover the benefits of organic wild berries from Lapland, Finland. Everything is as pure and natural as possible.

Wild berries from the arctic forests in Finnish Lapland

Welcome to Arlabe, your source for premium organic wild berries from Lapland, Finland. Our mission is to provide high-quality, pure and nutritious berries to our customers.

green trees beside lake under white clouds during daytime
green trees beside lake under white clouds during daytime
of Europe's primary forests are found in Finland

Our berries are sourced from the arctic forests in Finnish Lapland.

According to Humboldt University team the overwhelming majority of primary forest in Europe are found in Finland.

In fact Finland has two-thirds () of all primary forests in Europe and overall 74% of Finland is forested.

We are sourcing all of our berries from the arctic forests in Finnish Lapland.  Everything is as natural and pure as possible.

Freeze Dried Wild Blueberries

Freeze-drying process which uses extremely low temperatures to remove the water content from blueberries ensures that all the nutrients remain as intact as possible.

Freeze-drying is the best method in preserving the nutritional value to the highest level and to extend the lifetime of berries.

blue berries in white ceramic bowl
blue berries in white ceramic bowl
a bowl of blueberries
a bowl of blueberries
Nutritional value

Wild blueberries are high in vitamins (eg. vitamin A, C, E and K), minerals, micro-nutrients, fiber and antioxidants.

Blueberries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit, according to a 2021 study published in Molecules.

Wild vs. cultivated Blueberries

Wild Blueberries (bilberries) have a higher skin-to-pulp ratio than cultivated blueberries. More skin and less water equals more intense blueberry flavor, more antioxidant-rich pigment, and 72% more fiber.

Contact Us in case you would like to know more about our wild berries.

Reach out to us for the best freeze dried organic berries!

assorted berries
assorted berries